aircraft carrier/helicopter/light/
nuclear powered/VSTOL
CW chemical warfare/weapons
destroyer/with AShM/with
hangar/with SAM
DDR disarmament, demobilisation and
DDS dry deck shelter
def defence
det detachment
div division
ECM electronic countermeasures
ELINT electronic intelligence
elm element/s
engr engineer
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
EPF expeditionary fast transport vessel
eqpt equipment
ESB expeditionary mobile base
ESD expeditionary transport dock
EW electronic warfare
excl excludes/excluding
exp expenditure
FAC forward air control
fd field
FF/G/H/M frigate/with AShM/with hangar/
with SAM
FGA fighter ground attack
FLD full-load displacement
flt flight
FMA Foreign Military Assistance
FS/G/H/M corvette/with AShM/with hangar/
with SAM
Ftr fighter
FTX field training exercise
FY fiscal year
GBU guided bomb unit
gd guard
GDP gross domestic product
GLCM ground-launched cruise missile
GMLS Guided Missile Launching System
gp group
HA/DR humanitarian assistance/disaster
hel helicopter
how howitzer
HQ headquarters
HUMINT human intelligence
HWT heavyweight torpedo
hy heavy
IBU inshore boat unit
ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
IFV infantry fighting vehicle
IIR imaging infrared
IMINT imagery intelligence
imp improved
indep independent
inf infantry
info ops information operations
aircraft carrier/helicopter/light/
nuclear powered/VSTOL
CW chemical warfare/weapons
destroyer/with AShM/with
hangar/with SAM
DDR disarmament, demobilisation and
DDS dry deck shelter
def defence
det detachment
div division
ECM electronic countermeasures
ELINT electronic intelligence
elm element/s
engr engineer
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
EPF expeditionary fast transport vessel
eqpt equipment
ESB expeditionary mobile base
ESD expeditionary transport dock
EW electronic warfare
excl excludes/excluding
exp expenditure
FAC forward air control
fd field
FF/G/H/M frigate/with AShM/with hangar/
with SAM
FGA fighter ground attack
FLD full-load displacement
flt flight
FMA Foreign Military Assistance
FS/G/H/M corvette/with AShM/with hangar/
with SAM
Ftr fighter
FTX field training exercise
FY fiscal year
GBU guided bomb unit
gd guard
GDP gross domestic product
GLCM ground-launched cruise missile
GMLS Guided Missile Launching System
gp group
HA/DR humanitarian assistance/disaster
hel helicopter
how howitzer
HQ headquarters
HUMINT human intelligence
HWT heavyweight torpedo
hy heavy
IBU inshore boat unit
ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
IFV infantry fighting vehicle
IIR imaging infrared
IMINT imagery intelligence
imp improved
indep independent
inf infantry
info ops information operations
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