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Metodo di ricerca ed analisi adottato

Il medoto di ricerca ed analisi adottato è riportato su
Vds. post in data 30 dicembre 2009 seguento il percorso:
Nota 1 - L'approccio concettuale alla ricerca. Il metodo adottato
Nota 2 - La parametrazione delle Capacità dello Stato
Nota 3 - Il Rapporto tra i fattori di squilibrio e le capacità delloStato
Nota 4 - Il Metodo di calcolo adottato

Per gli altri continenti si rifà riferimento al medesimo blog per la spiegazione del metodo di ricerca.

Ricerche e Tesi di Laurea e di Dottorato

L'utilizzo dei dati di questo blog può essere più proficuo tenendo presente il volume di M. Coltrinari, L. Coltrinari, La Ricostruzione e lo studio di un avvenimento militare, Roma, edizione nuovacultura, 2009, nelle parti:
Capitolo II, b. La tecnica procedurale
Capitolo IV, a. La documetazione a Corredo
Alegato. Schema per una tesi di Laurea o di dottorato
a. L'attività concettuale
b. L'attività gestionale
c. L'attività esecutiva
(ulteriori informazioni scrivere alla email, )
Il volume è disponibile in tutte lelibrerie e presso la Casa Editrice, Nuova Cultura, al sito

Cerca nel blog

giovedì 31 ottobre 2019

The Military Balance Lista delle abbreviazioni 6

SARH semi-active radar homing
sat satellite
SDV swimmer delivery vehicles
SEAD suppression of enemy air defence
SF special forces
SHORAD short-range air defence
SIGINT signals intelligence
sigs signals
SLBM submarine-launched ballistic
SLCM submarine-launched cruise missile
SLEP service-life-extension programme
SP self-propelled
Spec Ops special operations
SPAAGM self-propelled anti-aircraft gun
and missile system
spt support
sqn squadron
SRBM short-range ballistic missile
SS submarine
SSA submersible auxiliary support
SSAN submersible auxiliary support
vessel (nuclear)
SSBN nuclear-powered ballistic-missile
SSC coastal submarine
SSG guided-missile submarine
SSI inshore submarine
SSGN nuclear-powered guided-missile
SSK attack submarine (hunter-killer)
SSM surface-to-surface missile
SSN nuclear-powered attack
SSR security-sector reform
SSW midget submarine
str strength
surv surveillance
sy security
t tonnes
tac tactical
tch technical
temp temporary
tk tank
tkr tanker
TMD theatre missile defence
torp torpedo
tpt transport
tr trillion
trg training
TRV torpedo recovery vehicle
TT torpedo tube
UAV unmanned/uninhabited aerial
UCAC utility craft air cushioned
UCAV unmanned combat air vehicle
utl utility
UUV unmanned/uninhabited
underwater vehicle
veh vehicle
VLB vehicle launched bridge
VLS vertical launch system
VSHORAD very short-range air defence
WFU withdrawn from use
wg wing

giovedì 24 ottobre 2019

The Military Balance Lista delle abbreviazioni 5

MRBM medium-range ballistic missile
MRH multi-role helicopter
MRL multiple rocket launcher
mine sweeper/auxiliary/coastal/
msl missile
mtn mountain
MW mine warfare
n.a. not applicable
n.k. not known
NBC nuclear, biological, chemical
NCO non-commissioned officer
nm nautical mile
nuc nuclear
O & M operations and maintenance
obs observation/observer
OCU operational conversion unit
OP observation post
op/ops operational/operations
OPFOR opposition training force
org organised/organisation
OPV offshore patrol vessel
para paratroop/parachute
PAX passenger/passenger transport
patrol boat/coastal/fast/with
AShM/inshore/with SAM/riverine/
with torpedo
patrol craft/coastal/fast/guided
missile/with hangar/inshore/with
CIWS missile or SAM/offshore/
riverine/with torpedo
pdr pounder
pers personnel
patrol gunboat/guided missile/
fast attack craft/hydrofoil
PGM precision-guided munitions
PH/G/M/T patrol hydrofoil/with AShM/with
SAM/with torpedo
pl platoon
PKO peacekeeping operations
PoR programme of record
PPP purchasing-power parity
PPV protected patrol vehicle
PRH passive radar-homing
prepo pre-positioned
PSO/H peace support operations or
offshore patrol ship/with hangar
PTF semi-submersible vessel
ptn pontoon bridging
quad quadruple
R&D research and development
RCL recoilless launcher
recce reconnaissance
regt regiment
RFI request for information
RFP request for proposals
RIB rigid inflatable boat
RL rocket launcher
ro-ro roll-on, roll-off
RRC/F/U rapid-reaction corps/force/unit
RV re-entry vehicle
rvn riverine
SAM surface-to-air missile
SAR search and rescue

mercoledì 16 ottobre 2019

The Military Balance Lista delle Abbreviazioni 4

INS inertial navigation system
int intelligence
IOC Initial Operating Capability
IR infrared
IRBM intermediate-range ballistic
ISD in-service date
ISR intelligence, surveillance and
ISTAR intelligence, surveillance, target
acquisition and reconnaissance
JOINTEX joint exercise
LACM land-attack cruise missile
landing craft/assault/air cushion/
heavy/medium/personnel air
utility/vehicles and personnel
LCC amphibious command ship
LGB laser-guided bomb
LHA landing ship assault
LHD amphibious assault ship
LIFT lead-in ftr trainer
LKA amphibious cargo ship
LLI long-lead items
lnchr launcher
LoA letter of acceptance
log logistic
LoI letter of intent
LP/D/H landing platform/dock/helicopter
LRIP low-rate initial production
landing ship/dock/logistic/logistic
lt light
LWT lightweight torpedo
maint maintenance
MANPAD man-portable air-defence system
MANPATS man-portable anti-tank system
MAREX maritime exercise
MBT main battle tank
mine countermeasure coastal/
command and support/diving
MCM mine countermeasures
MCMV mine countermeasures vessel
MD military district
MDT mine diving tender
mech mechanised
med medium/medical
medevac medical evacuation
mine hunter/coastal/drone/
mil military
MIRV multiple independently targetable
re-entry vehicle
mk mark (model number)
ML minelayer
MLU mid-life update
mne marine
mod modified/modification
mor mortar
mot motorised/motor
MoU memorandum of understanding
MP maritime patrol/military police
MR maritime reconnaissance/motor

martedì 8 ottobre 2019

The Militari Balance 2019 Lista delle Abbreviazioni 3

aircraft carrier/helicopter/light/
nuclear powered/VSTOL
CW chemical warfare/weapons
destroyer/with AShM/with
hangar/with SAM
DDR disarmament, demobilisation and
DDS dry deck shelter
def defence
det detachment
div division
ECM electronic countermeasures
ELINT electronic intelligence
elm element/s
engr engineer
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
EPF expeditionary fast transport vessel
eqpt equipment
ESB expeditionary mobile base
ESD expeditionary transport dock
EW electronic warfare
excl excludes/excluding
exp expenditure
FAC forward air control
fd field
FF/G/H/M frigate/with AShM/with hangar/
with SAM
FGA fighter ground attack
FLD full-load displacement
flt flight
FMA Foreign Military Assistance
FS/G/H/M corvette/with AShM/with hangar/
with SAM
Ftr fighter
FTX field training exercise
FY fiscal year
GBU guided bomb unit
gd guard
GDP gross domestic product
GLCM ground-launched cruise missile
GMLS Guided Missile Launching System
gp group
HA/DR humanitarian assistance/disaster
hel helicopter
how howitzer
HQ headquarters
HUMINT human intelligence
HWT heavyweight torpedo
hy heavy
IBU inshore boat unit
ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
IFV infantry fighting vehicle
IIR imaging infrared
IMINT imagery intelligence
imp improved
indep independent
inf infantry
info ops information operations

lunedì 30 settembre 2019

The MIlitary Balance Lista delle Abbreviazioni 2

armd armoured
ARS/H rescue and salvage ship/with
arty artillery
ARV armoured recovery vehicle
AS anti-submarine/submarine tender
ASBM anti-ship ballistic missile
ASCM anti-ship cruise missile
AShM anti-ship missile
aslt assault
ASM air-to-surface missile
ASR submarine rescue craft
ASTT anti-submarine torpedo tube
ASW anti-submarine warfare
ASuW anti-surface warfare
AT tug/anti-tank
ATBM anti-tactical ballistic missile
ATF tug, ocean going
ATGW anti-tank guided weapon
Atk attack/ground attack
ATS tug, salvage and rescue ship
AUV armoured utility vehicle
AVB aviation logistic support ship
avn aviation
AWT water tanker
AX/L/S training craft/light/sail
BA Budget Authority (US)
Bbr bomber
BCT brigade combat team
bde brigade
bdgt budget
BG battlegroup
BMD ballistic-missile defence
BMEWS ballistic missile early warning
bn battalion/billion
bty battery
C2 command and control
casevac casualty evacuation
cav cavalry
cbt combat
CBRN chemical, biological, radiological,
nuclear, explosive
cdo commando
cruiser/with AShM/with hangar/
with SAM/nuclear-powered
CISR combat ISR
CIMIC civil–military cooperation
CIWS close-in weapons system
COIN counter-insurgency
comd command
COMINT communications intelligence
comms communications
coy company
CP command post
CPX command post exercise
CS combat support
CSAR combat search and rescue
CSS combat service support
CT counter-terrorism

sabato 28 settembre 2019

The Military Balance 2019 Lista delle Abbreviazioni 1

AAA anti-aircraft artillery
AAM air-to-air missile
AAR search-and-rescue vessel
AAV amphibious assault vehicle
AB airborne
ABM anti-ballistic missile
ABU/H sea-going buoy tender/with
ABCV airborne combat vehicle
ac aircraft
ACV air-cushion vehicle/armoured
combat vehicle
ACS crane ship
AD air defence
ADA air-defence artillery
ADEX air-defence exercise
adj adjusted
AE auxiliary, ammunition carrier
AEM missile support ship
AEV armoured engineer vehicle
AEW airborne early warning
AFD/L auxiliary floating dry dock/small
AFS/H logistics ship/with hangar
AFSB afloat forward staging base
AFV armoured fighting vehicle
AG misc auxiliary
AGB/H icebreaker/with hangar
AGE/H experimental auxiliary ship/with
AGF/H command ship/with hangar
AGHS hydrographic survey vessel
AGI intelligence collection vessel
AGM space tracking vessel
AGOR oceanographic research vessel
AGOS oceanographic surveillance vessel
AGS/H survey ship/with hangar
AH hospital ship
AIP air-independent propulsion
AK/L cargo ship/light
aka also known as
AKEH dry cargo/ammunition ship
AKR/H roll-on/roll-off cargo ship/with
AKS/L stores ship/light
ALCM air-launched cruise missile
amb ambulance
amph amphibious/amphibian
AO/S oiler/small
AOE fast combat support ship
AOR/L/H fleet replenishment oiler with RAS
capability/light/with hangar
AOT/L oiler transport/light
AP armour-piercing/anti-personnel/
transport ship
APB barracks ship
APC armoured personnel carrier
AR/C/D/L repair ship/cable/dry dock/light
ARG amphibious ready group
ARH active radar homing
ARL airborne reconnaissance low

venerdì 26 luglio 2019


post in progres

martedì 18 giugno 2019

venerdì 3 maggio 2019

martedì 19 marzo 2019

Terrorismo suprematista. Il terrorismo globale dei razzisti bianchi

Il 15 marzo  un uomo ha aperto il fuoco in due moschee  a Cristchurch, in Nuova Zelanda uccidendo cinquanta persone. La Strage ha dimensione internazionale  di una ideologia estremista sempre più pericolosa

In tutto il mondo commentando l'attentato
i politci di estrema destra hanno usato la stessa retorica
dei nazionalisti bianchi

Le due facce dell'estremismo globale:
i terroristi della destra radicale ed i gruppi jihadisti hanno alcuni tratti in comune. 
A partire dal fatto che rappresentano frange armate di movimenti più ampi

Un colpo al cuore
i neozelandesi pensavano di essere al riparo delle tragedie 
avvenute altrove
 come gli Italiani, che con la loro poltica anti migranti
seminano vento.

La cultura xenofoba dilaga in Australia
Il terrorista di Cristchurch è cresciuto in un paese in cui negli ultimi venti anni il razzismo e l'odio verso i mussulmani hanno
guadagnato un peso sempre maggiore nella vita pubblica

Con i social network diventiamo tutti complici su scala mondiale nella promozione dell'odio
Ma è importante ricordare che la tecnologia non è la causa del terrorismo
Siamo megafoni inconsapevoli dell'odio

22-28 marzo 2019 n. 1299  Anno XXVI

venerdì 18 gennaio 2019

martedì 8 gennaio 2019

Indici Statistici alla data del 31 dicembre 2018

Aperto nel 2008, ha un totale di 3574 visitatori

 con una media mensile che oscilla tra i 100 e 150 visitatori.

Sono stati pubblicati 111 post.

Come utenza,  dalla Russia vi sono 75 contatti,
mentre sull’ordine delle unità sono i contatti
 dall’ Ucraina, Stati Uniti ed altri paesi europei.
