armd armoured
ARS/H rescue and salvage ship/with
arty artillery
ARV armoured recovery vehicle
AS anti-submarine/submarine tender
ASBM anti-ship ballistic missile
ASCM anti-ship cruise missile
AShM anti-ship missile
aslt assault
ASM air-to-surface missile
ASR submarine rescue craft
ASTT anti-submarine torpedo tube
ASW anti-submarine warfare
ASuW anti-surface warfare
AT tug/anti-tank
ATBM anti-tactical ballistic missile
ATF tug, ocean going
ATGW anti-tank guided weapon
Atk attack/ground attack
ATS tug, salvage and rescue ship
AUV armoured utility vehicle
AVB aviation logistic support ship
avn aviation
AWT water tanker
AX/L/S training craft/light/sail
BA Budget Authority (US)
Bbr bomber
BCT brigade combat team
bde brigade
bdgt budget
BG battlegroup
BMD ballistic-missile defence
BMEWS ballistic missile early warning
bn battalion/billion
bty battery
C2 command and control
casevac casualty evacuation
cav cavalry
cbt combat
CBRN chemical, biological, radiological,
nuclear, explosive
cdo commando
cruiser/with AShM/with hangar/
with SAM/nuclear-powered
CISR combat ISR
CIMIC civil–military cooperation
CIWS close-in weapons system
COIN counter-insurgency
comd command
COMINT communications intelligence
comms communications
coy company
CP command post
CPX command post exercise
CS combat support
CSAR combat search and rescue
CSS combat service support
CT counter-terrorism
ARS/H rescue and salvage ship/with
arty artillery
ARV armoured recovery vehicle
AS anti-submarine/submarine tender
ASBM anti-ship ballistic missile
ASCM anti-ship cruise missile
AShM anti-ship missile
aslt assault
ASM air-to-surface missile
ASR submarine rescue craft
ASTT anti-submarine torpedo tube
ASW anti-submarine warfare
ASuW anti-surface warfare
AT tug/anti-tank
ATBM anti-tactical ballistic missile
ATF tug, ocean going
ATGW anti-tank guided weapon
Atk attack/ground attack
ATS tug, salvage and rescue ship
AUV armoured utility vehicle
AVB aviation logistic support ship
avn aviation
AWT water tanker
AX/L/S training craft/light/sail
BA Budget Authority (US)
Bbr bomber
BCT brigade combat team
bde brigade
bdgt budget
BG battlegroup
BMD ballistic-missile defence
BMEWS ballistic missile early warning
bn battalion/billion
bty battery
C2 command and control
casevac casualty evacuation
cav cavalry
cbt combat
CBRN chemical, biological, radiological,
nuclear, explosive
cdo commando
cruiser/with AShM/with hangar/
with SAM/nuclear-powered
CISR combat ISR
CIMIC civil–military cooperation
CIWS close-in weapons system
COIN counter-insurgency
comd command
COMINT communications intelligence
comms communications
coy company
CP command post
CPX command post exercise
CS combat support
CSAR combat search and rescue
CSS combat service support
CT counter-terrorism