The Ambassador Series is an initiative developed by Ce.S.I. - Centre for International Studies. The Series aims to give university students the chance to expand their understanding of current political affairs through a series of debates with some of the most distinguished foreign representatives in Italy. The initiative stems from the desire to introduce aplatform for debate with, and among, professionals of international politics as a formative experience in the professional and intellectual development of a new generation of International Relations thinkers.
The Ambassadors involved will be asked to share their views with the audience on high profile, pre-arranged topics and answer questions that will fuel the debate. Meetings will be held according to Chatham House rules (confidentiality).The Ambassador Series is a tool to stimulate and enrich the understanding of those who are eager and curious enough to go beyond the over-simplifications and superficialities of present-day international affairs reporting.
Ce.S.I. is proud to host H.E. Nguyen Hoang Long, Ambassador to Italy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Ce.S.I. is proud to host H.E. Nguyen Hoang Long, Ambassador to Italy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Tuesday, 3rd June 2014, 18.00 - 19.30
Ce.S.I. Conference Room
There will be a limited number of participants.
Ce.S.I. Conference Room
There will be a limited number of participants.